Just when one thinks that life would be moving on smoothly, one realises that all is not as thought of...that some essential ingredients are missing from this 'hotch potch' of life.....even if its hotch potch, it needs to taste good !!

Just when one is pulling though times when one comes to know that there is perhaps better ways and a better life.......

Just when one is struggling to put things in perspective one realises that 'change' is not the easiest thing in life !! Time and again......this lesson is never too old or learnt enough...

Just when one is about to wallow in low feelings one realises that there is so much more that she has recieved in this lifetime.......that she tends to forget...

Just as she realises all this she understands that times never remain the same and that she will be able to get what she the change she is looking for...and she can do things on her own too......

Just like that she felt like writing out my thoughts.... :P and I am happy I did :D
4 Responses
  1. Unknown Says:

    Finance kee raani ka philosophical roop atee sundar laga :p

  2. Reema Says:

    thats life for each one of us.. defined in detail! :)

  3. Just like that felt to put my entry also here :)

  4. Anonymous Says:

    c i read ur post!...
    dont cmplain now!..
    in fact i always do....
    jst tht m lazy 2 leave a comment!..
    dnt wrry b happy!